Thanks to colleagues from Scandinavia, who during the full-scale war were the first to offer help to the Museum



When the full-scale war began, the team of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine was incredibly touched by the help of colleagues from Scandinavia. On February 26, Stiftelsen Nordiska museet (Stockholm), the Swedish National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet), and the museums of Scandinavia began collecting financial assistance to save the heritage of Ukraine, which was threatened because of Russias military aggression.


Norsk Folkemuseum, all regional museums of Sweden, several private donors, foundations, associationsentrepreneurs, and later many other organizations joined the campaign.

The priority direction of this initiative is the support of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine and the preservation of its collections. We have already started using the collected funds, in particular, to repair part of the museum premises.

The museum team thanks all the institutions and private initiatives of Scandinavia, which at the beginning of the full-scale war demonstrated that Ukrainian heritage is important to them. This once again illustrates the old historical and cultural ties between Ukraine and this region. Happy to have such friends!

Comments with words of support from Swedish colleagues on February 26, 2022

Here is a complete list of organizations that participated in fundraising to save the cultural heritage of Ukraine:

Arbetlivsmuseernas samarbetsråd

ArkivIT AB

Eldrun Kulturmiljö AB

Estniska Etnografiska föreningen

Föreningen Folkkulturcenter

Föreningen Gotlands Fornvänner

Johan Nordlander Sällskapet

Kalmar Läns museum

Karlsgatan 4 Museum Kulturnatten Västerås

Kulturföreningen K. ALK

Kulturhistoriska föreningen

Kulturparken Småland AB

Kungl. Patriotiska Sällskapet

Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien

Länsmuseernas samarbetsråd


Nordiska museets restaurang

Persson Kraft AB

SAUs Forskningsråd


Skolmuseet i Norrköping

Statens Historiska museer

Stiftelsen Bohusläns museum

Stiftelsen Dalarnas museum

Stiftelsen Hallands Länsmuseer

Stiftelsen Jamtli

Stiftelsen Jönköpings Läns museum

Stiftelsen Länsmuseet i Gävle

Stiftelsen Länsmuseet Västernorrland

Stiftelsen Nordiska museet

Stiftelsen Norsk Folkemuseum

Stiftelsen Regementsheden

Stiftelsen Regionmuseet i Kristianstad

Stiftelsen Upplands museet

Stiftelsen Västergötlands museum

Stiftelsen Västerviks museum

Stiftelsen Örebro Läns museum

Stiftelsen Östergötlands Läns museum

Stockholms Läns museum

Svensk Biblioteksförening Regionförening Väst

Svenska Byggnadsvårdsföreningen

Svenska ICOMOS-Kommittén

Tidaholms Genealogiska förening

Torsten Söderbergs Stiftelse

Viktor Rydberg skola

Västanå Musik & Teater

Västerbottens museum AB

Västmanlands Läns museum


The National Museum of the History of Ukraine on February 26, 2022. Photo by Fedir Androshchuk
