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Azovstal: New Meanings


National Museum of the History of Ukraine, str. Volodymyrska, 2
23.02.2023 → 01.01.2025
Price: за вхідним квитком

Azovstal: New Meanings

The exhibition "Azovstal: New Meanings" is about one of the most potent symbols of heroism and indomitability of the russian-Ukrainian war.

At the end of February 2023, a year has passed since the beginning of the full-scale military invasion of the russian federation in Ukraine. Ukrainian defenders, at the cost of their own lives, continue to defend the independence of our state, knocking out the enemy from the occupied territories.

Some of the fiercest battles of the russian-Ukrainian war took place in Mariupol. The territory of the Azovstal plant became a fortress for Ukrainian soldiers. Being surrounded for more than two months, Ukrainian fighters resisted the russian invaders.

"Azovstal" survived the flywheel of Stalinist repressions and destruction during the Second World War. In the days of independence, it was here that the slabs of the new sarcophagus for the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant and the materials used to build the Glass Bridge in Kyiv were made. Part of the exhibition project tells the enterprise's history from its foundation to the present. But the most important at this exhibition is the new meanings acquired during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine — "Azovstal" as a stronghold of the indomitable Ukrainian spirit and heroism. These new meanings are spoken through the stories of the defenders of "Azovstal," their words, things, and memories about them, as well as poignant photos of the soldier of the "Azov" regiment Dmytro Kozatskyi "Orest."

The exhibition project takes place in cooperation with the non-governmental organization (NGO) of families of fallen defenders of Ukraine, "Hearts Out" ("Sertse Nazonvi").
